Save the Date: Annual General Meeting

October 6, 2021

Friends of the Battle River Railway (FBRR) has set the date for our Annual General Meeting. This will be held on Monday, November 15th, 2021 at 7:00pm at The Station (5009-50th Avenue, Forestburg, AB). Public is welcome to attend.

There has been a lot of activity at the Station with the construction of the new addition to the west of the building. When completed this will be the new home for Battle River Railway. Construction is well underway, and on time. This project has been made possible through a Community Facilities Enhancement Grant from Government of Alberta. Attendees at our AGM will be able to look at the blueprint plans for the building and get an update.

Are you interested in getting more involved with your community? Do you have a skill or talent you would like to offer for service to your community? We are currently accepting nominations for 2 At-Large members to the Board of Directors. Not interested in serving on the board, there are a number of committees that you can get involved with behind the scenes.

Committees are:

  • Runs Committee: This committee is responsible for planning and executing our train excursions.
  • Rolling Stock Committee: This committee is responsible for the maintenance of our train consist.
  • Building Committee: This committee looks after the Station and loading sites.
  • Fundraising Committee: This committee is responsible for looking for and planning fundraising activities, this include our biannual Gala Fundraiser, bingo events and of course seeking grant opportunities
  • Marketing Committee: This committee is responsible for the marketing and promotion activities, advertising opportunities and reviewing what we are currently doing and it's effectiveness.
  • Volunteer Committee: This committee is responsible for engaging with our current roster of volunteers and growing our team.

Each of these committees have representatives on the Board of Directors.

The full agenda for the AGM will be available on our website after Thanksgiving. Please check back for more detail then.

Contact Information

For the most up-to-date information about our upcoming excursions, be sure to email or call.
Battle River Train Excursions is run by the Friends of the Battle River Railway, a registered not-for-profit organization.