Santa Daze in Alliance - Local Community Runs

December 7, 2021

Spend Saturday, December 11th with us at Santa Daze in Alliance! Friends of the Battle River Railway is teaming up with Battle River Railway to offer

mini community train runs while the train is in Alliance for those who have come to the event by car. The fee for these community mini train runs is a cash donation for the Flagstaff Food Bank.  All proceeds collected during this excursion and the mini train runs on Saturday, December 11th will be matched by Battle River Railway.  You make make a cash donation upon your arrival or by etransfer.  E-Transfers can be sent directly to the Food Bank, send email to Just put "FBRR Train Ride" in the memo line of your e-transfer and tell us the amount you donated.

Mini Community Train runs are scheduled for 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm.

Details of the Day:

We wanted to give you a bit more information to help make Saturday a fantastic day for you and yours.  Here are our plans for the day:

2:00 Train Arrives at Alliance for Santa Daze
2:00 pm Christmas Market & meet Santa at the Alliance Community Hall.
3:00 pm happenings at The Sports Multiplex (Arena) include Turkey Toss (Groups of10) Entry fee $2.00 per toss. And Library will be hosting a Craft Station at the Arena. Create your own Christmas Tree Decorations!  

***Don't forget your skates! If the ice is suitable, there will be free skating at the arena.  

5:00 The Parade of Lights on Main Street followed by the giant bonfire with free hot dog & smokies roast, 
6:00 Fireworks before getting on the Trailers for a ride back to the Train!

6:15 Trailers leave bonfire to go back to train.  The Alliance Station, former Lineman’s House which will be open to for you to board the train 
6:30 Train Departs Alliance

*Times are subject to slight changes due to weather conditions.  

Catch the spirit of Christmas on our magical Christmas Train!

Contact Information

For the most up-to-date information about our upcoming excursions, be sure to email or call.
Battle River Train Excursions is run by the Friends of the Battle River Railway, a registered not-for-profit organization.